UNF Regina Garage Sale

UNF Regina will be hosting a Garage Sale on Saturday, May 25, 2019 at the UNF Hall,  1737 St. John Street The sale will operate from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

This is an excellent opportunity to purge your house of any items you no longer use or need and to help raise funds for the UNF. If you have friends or family that would also like to donate items, please encourage them to do so.

Items for the sale can be dropped off at the UNF hall on the following dates and times:

Saturday, May 4, 2019 – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Saturday, May 18, 2019 – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Friday, May 24, 2019 – 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 

UNF will only accept certain items – Please refer to the lists below of acceptable and non-acceptable items.

Acceptable items:

  • children, teen, and adult gently used clothing
  • kitchen appliances
  • books (adult and children)
  • DVD (movies, tv shows)
  • Blu Ray (movies, tv shows)
  • CDs (music)
  • sporting equipment
  • toys
  • dinnerware (plates, cutlery, cups)
  • artwork
  • newer and working electronics (game systems, phones, DVD or Blu-Ray player, flatscreen TV)
  • tools
  • power tools
  • jewelry
  • yard care and gardening items (lawn mowers, shovels etc.)
  • small furniture (chairs, table, side tables etc.)


  • All items must be clean and working.

Non-acceptable items:

  • Kitchen knives
  • Bedding or mattresses
  • Old electronics (VCR, tube TVs
    VCR tapes
  • helmets (bike, hockey)
  • car seats
  • large furniture (couch, recliner etc.)

If you have any questions, contact:

Andre Andrusyak kozakcc@hotmail.com