Ukrainian Canadian congress inviting you to join our team, donate blood and make a meaningful impact at Regina Donor Centre (4180 Albert Street) on February 04, 2023, from 8a.m.-1p.m.
As a community we would like to be a part of the important mission and give back to Canadian society
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress Regina Branch registered as a partner for life.
Attachments to this letter provide instruction of how members can use the or give blood app to join our team and manage your appointments.
Partners for Life ID is UKRA0108198, Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Regina Branch. Let us know if you need help to register.
Members can join your time in three easy steps:
- Register new members of your PFL team here.
- If you are a new donor, create an account or, if you already have donor account with us, enter your username and password to log in.
- Select ‘PFL organizations’ from the menu, add your PFL IDUKRA0108198 and select ‘join the team.’ – Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Regina Branch