Social Insurance Number (SIN)

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit identification number given to each person in Canada for the purpose of income tax, employment insurance, old age pension, and other income security benefits.

You will require a SIN to work in Canada. Newcomers must apply for a SIN card when they first arrive to Canada.

How to Apply

You can apply at Service Canada 1783 Hamilton Street, or phone 1-800-622-6232 – some English is necessary. Services Canada encourages you to apply for your SIN card in person at their office, as you will be requested to provide an original or true certified copy of a primary document that proves your identity and status in Canada.

You will need to show your birth certificate (a certified translation), Canada Immigration visa (Record of Landing), passport and possibly your driver’s license (a certified translation). No fee is charged for a first-time application for SIN card.

The card will be mailed to you and the members of your family within a few weeks after applying for it. Do not give your SIN to any random person, do not carry it in your purse, as SIN card contains your personal information that should be kept confidential.

Obtaining a New SIN After Getting Permanent Status

Once you receive Permanent Status, you must advise Service Canada office (1783 Hamilton Street) of this change so they may provide you with a new Social Insurance Number (SIN) for permanent residents. Some English is necessary.